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Nick Berry: Living in a Knowledge Economy

Nick Berry, Facebook Data ScientistNick Berry is a data scientist at Facebook, and he recently spoke at Casual Connect USA 2014.  The complete GameSauce.org post can be found here with a 24 minute video of Nick’s remarks.  Most interesting was the following excerpt (emphasis added):

Being a data scientist gives Berry a unique perspective on data, and he is an advocate of data “trust,” which he feels is a better term than “data privacy.” “‘Privacy’ is the wrong word to use these days,” he explains. “We should be using the word ‘Trust.’ We are living in a knowledge economy, and the value many of us add in this industry is in the manipulation of information — not in the creation of some tangible hardware product. We take raw data (often customer data), and add value to it. We should use this data respectfully. People trust us with it. Without trust, people will not share, and data is the fuel of the knowledge economy.”

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