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Ty’Sheoma Bethea Makes Us Proud

Ty’Sheoma Bethea is a name rapidly being learned all over the US and even around the world.  Her letter may need a little bit of polish (just as these posts often do), but her courage and initiative to address the problems of her school are truly amazing.  She asks Congress for help that is not directly for her personal benefit, but for the benefit of all the children who attend J.V. Martin Junior High School now and in the future.  She and her fellow students are looking for a better way to secure the education and knowledge that will enable them to succeed in the economy of the future.  Hopefully, we citizens of SC and the US will make it happen sooner rather than later.  J.V. Martin will be stirring for quite some time with the attention that Miss Bethea’s letter has brought it.  One day when things settle down a little bit, I hope to call on them (as well as other schools) to see if an age appropriate presentation from a knowledge economy evangelist can provide a little information and/or inspiration for these young learners.

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